10 Essential Uses of Scissor Lifts in Construction Industry

Scissor Lifts in Construction Industry

Without scissor lifts, construction work, especially in bustling markets like Dubai, is nearly impossible. This is a secure platform for the worker performing the work at various heights. These machines are used in different categories and configurations to meet various tasks and working conditions. 

But before we get into the various uses of scissor lifts, the most crucial fact is that you need to get a deeper understanding into scissor lifts. 

Understanding Scissor Lift

Scissor lifts are versatile aerial work platforms. They raise workers to various heights and are very safe during operation. 

In this case, they are fitted with a stable platform enclosed by supports that crisscross. Metal supports manipulate these supports. As a result, the platform may go up or down within certain boundaries. 

There are several different types of scissor lifts available: hydraulic, diesel, electric, rough terrain, and pneumatic, each designed for specific tasks and applications. 

However, for works with lateral movement and reach, a cherry picker should better accommodate the requirements of the job. You can select between the use of cherry pickers and scissor lift depending on the specifications of the work. 

Uses of a Scissor Lift in the Construction Industry

The construction industry is all about lifting heavy stuff and personnel to get their work done. Here is the detailed information about the uses of scissor lifts in the construction industry.

1. For Accessing Elevated Work Areas

The primary use of a scissor lift in a construction environment is as an easy, portable solution for providing access to hard-to-reach work areas, in turn giving workers the advantage of both safety and comfort. These lifts, when hoisted to great heights, up to around 60 feet, are perfect for use in jobs like lighting, ductwork, or roofing material installation.

2. HVAC Installation and Servicing

One of the more general application areas for a scissor lift is in HVAC installation and servicing work. The stable working platform, coupled with the ability to lift cumbersome equipment, makes it the suitable machine to set and secure gigantic HVAC units and ductwork at a high elevation.

3. Electrical and Plumbing Work

Nowadays, scissor lifts have become very popular among electricians and plumbers. These professionals will always need gaining access to ceilings, high walls, or even high points to install wiring, light fixtures, or plumbing systems. It gives a secure and elevated workspace and reduces the risk of falls or delays that result from the cumbersome erection and dismantling of the scaffold.

4. Painting and Finishing Work

In most instances, painting and finishing works require reaching high walls and ceilings. This is an aspect that will give painters adequate standing ground for them to be able to apply paint and other finishes effectively. They are helpful in cases such as working on large commercial buildings or even warehouses with enormous heights.

5. Facade and Window Installation

The installation of windows and working on facades greatly benefit from scissor lifts. These sensitive works need to be executed with high accuracy and stability, all of which are afforded by the sturdy footing of a scissor lift. Workers can easily maneuver themselves into position to install windows or facade elements from the lift.

6. Sign and Display Installation

In retail construction, nearly without exception, there is a need to install signage and display items. It is straightforward and safe for one to use scissor lifts to fix giant signs, banners, and displays at huge heights in such a way that they will be firm and aligned.

7. Warehouse Management

Scissor lifts can be put to use in large warehouses to manage the inventory kept at great heights. They make retrieval and placement easier, especially where cumbersome items must be put on or taken off high shelves. Electric scissor lifts generally find more applications in indoor uses due to their quiet operation and zero emissions.

8. Safety Inspections and Maintenance

Routine safety inspections and building infrastructure maintenance usually require access to high, inaccessible areas. In either case, scissor lifts provide a secure and stable working platform to carry out structural or roofing tests for integrity and also to carry out necessary repairs.

9. Structural Steel Erection and Installation

The erection and installation of structural steel in skyscraper constructions are done using scissor lifts. This is a result of the lifts providing the workers with a safe working area to be located and secure the structural beams and columns in place to guarantee structural safety as one constructs the other facility parts.

10. Event Set-up and Management

Apart from the construction, scissor lifts have been created to ease the event set-up and management process. They help workers to put up lights, sound systems, and decorations the right place and manner in events, concerts, and trade shows.

These uses are enough to convince you how essential it is for you to use a scissor lift for your construction projects to get work done easily and efficiently. If you’re curious, what are the other uses of scissor lifts outside of the construction industry, check out the blog.

Safety Considerations

While scissor lifts offer numerous benefits, it is crucial to adhere to safety guidelines to prevent accidents and injuries. Here are some essential safety tips:

  1. Follow Manufacturer’s Guidelines: Always adhere to the manufacturer’s instructions regarding the operation and maintenance of scissor lifts.
  2. Use Proper Safety Equipment: Ensure that safety devices such as guardrails, toe boards, and fall protection systems are in place and functioning correctly.
  3. Regular Inspections: Conduct regular inspections of the scissor lift to check for any damage or maintenance issues.
  4. Training: Ensure all workers are properly trained in the safe use of scissor lifts, including how to start, stop, and maneuver the lift.
  5. Load Management: Follow proper loading procedures and ensure that the load is evenly distributed to prevent instability.
  6. Weather Conditions: Avoid using scissor lifts in adverse weather conditions such as high winds or heavy rain.
  7. Ventilation: Use scissor lifts in well-ventilated areas to reduce the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning.

Rent Scissor Lifts for Your Construction Project

At BVM Transport, we provide scissor lift rental in Dubai. We offer a complete range of scissor lifts for any job at any working site you want them for. Safety and reliability top our concerns, with all equipment in good and serviceable condition and ready for instant use.

Also, when you work with BVM, you get flexible renting options at the best prices and top-notch customer service. They have a team of professionals that will guide and help you to choose which is the best scissor lift for your construction project.

So, get yourself high-quality scissor lifts, available at BVM Transport, to uplift your construction projects now. Enquire today.

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